About Me

Greetings friends of the interwebs! I’m Elise! Most of my time is spent either with a book in my face, headphones in my ears, or watching Netflix. I’m a big fan of many TV shows, but some of my favorites are The Flash, Firefly, and Daredevil, and I’m finding new shows to watch every day! My music taste varies from rock musicals to pop music with some pop punk mixed in there too. Since this is a book blog I should mention that I read pretty much anything falling under the category of YA, and I’ve been expanding my horizons a lot more lately. I am definitely open to suggestions for new books to read or shows to watch, so comment if you have any! Hope you enjoy your time here at The Book Forums and I look forward to discussing books with you!



The Flash Season Two Discussion (Spoilers!)

Chasing Eveline Book Blitz

The Good, The Bad, and The Spoilers: Heir of Fire