The End of NaNoWriMo, The Beginning of a New Novel!
Hey guys, it’s Meagan and today I’m here with writing new! *gasp!* I actually wrote something! Crazy, I know! But the truth is, this news is actually just about me finishing an outline, so, not as impressive. But, as stated above, this past week I kind of ditched NaNoWriMo to outline a new idea that has been eating away at me for a while now. So I sat down and started outlining. I sat myself at my computer all Thanksgiving break and wrote. I wrote until I had 7 pages and 3,000 words filling them. Then I felt so confident about the story that I immediately started writing the story and I’m now 600 words in! The reason I wanted to share this with y’all is because, this is the most confident I’ve ever felt about an idea of mine and I feel like it could go somewhere! Below will be a one sentence synopsis of the novel for anyone who is curious. "A girl with the newfound ability to manipulate the wind gets caught in-between a war between two powerful groups with element based a...