Top 5 Wednesday!

Hello people of the interwebs and today I’m here to do Top 5 Wednesday! Now if you don’t know, Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme started by gingerreadslainey, you can find all the info here. This week’s topic is Top 5 Books that you read because of the interwebs… so let’s get started!

5. Thirteen Reason Why by Jay Asher

Now I might’ve still read this without the internet because of school, but I feel like the internet’s love for the book really gave me the push to pick it up on my own (and I’m so glad I did)
4. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
Now I probably would have read this book with or without the internet, but the problem is, without the internet, I wouldn’t have ever heard of it.
3. The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness
This is another book that I don’t think I would’ve heard of, if it weren’t for the internet, but I also don’t think I would’ve picked it up if it weren’t for the hype on bookstagram and one of my favorite booktubers (CassJayTuck) recommending it!
2. The Archived by Victoria Schwab
I would not have even heard of this book if JesseTheReader hadn’t raved about it! And I’m glad he did, because it quickly became one of my all-time favorites!

1.       The Fault in our Stars by John Green
Now, I know what you’re thinking ‘Meagan, why is a John Green book on this list’ and it’s because when this book was getting popular and hyped I was going to a tiny, no tiny doesn’t describe it, a miniscule private school and had no idea who John Green was. So, if it weren’t for the internet I wouldn’t have heard about John Green!

*Note* if you would like to see more books that I read because of the interwebs, I have a full video about it here! :)



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