Top 10 Books of 2014... Finished!

Hey guys it’s Meagan and it’s that time of the year… TOP 10 BOOKS OF 2014!!! YAY *APPLAUSE* I tried to keep these books to books that came out in 2014 (except for one book, but I didn’t hear about it until 2014).

And for those who don’t know, I’m revealing these two books at a time. So today I will reveal my 2 and 1 choices! YAY! So sit back and enjoy!

My number 2 pick is The Unbound by Victoria Schwab

This is the sequel to one of my all-time favorite books, The Archived, so I had high expectations for it. And it well surpassed my expectations! The Unbound did everything that a good sequel should do, it had all the things I loved from the first book (characters, an amazing plot, and amazing writing style) and it did them in a new and interesting way. This book also reminded me why I love Victoria Schwab’s books so much (her amazing writing style). Everyone should read this series so they can understand why I love The Archived so much!

And finally, my number 1 pick is Vicious by V.E. Schwab

This book actually came out in fall of 2013 but I’m counting it because I didn’t hear about it until 2014 and I just love it too much to not put it on this list. Vicious is such an interesting, different story with an amazing writing style. But probably the best thing is its characters. Most of the characters in Vicious are anti-heroes, which is really interesting because both the protagonist and the antagonist believe what they’re doing is right and, because of the switching POV, you can understand both of their motivations. This is an absolutely amazing book that everyone should read!

Below you can find links to all the other posts having to do with my Top 10 books of 2014…
Day 1 (10 and 9 picks)
Day 2 (8 and 7 picks)
Day 3 (6 and 5 picks)
Day 4 (4 and 3 picks)

Hope you enjoyed my number one and two picks! Thanks for sticking around through this list.

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