I'm Still Here!

HELLO READERS! I’m so sorry for my long absence but I’m still trying to sort things out with school and color guard. I need to set a schedule for myself to post so that I can keep up with it but the sad truth is that I haven’t been reading as much as I should. I used to always get my reading done during the school day and now I’m getting my homework done during the school day, which is good because I can get to sleep earlier, but is also bad because I have a lot less time to read.

The reason I’m posting this is becaue I want to tell you that I’m going to create a schedule for myself— on Monday I’m going to continue with the Goodreads Monday meme and on Wednesday I’m going to post a discussion. The discussion could be about books, TV, movies, or life… it just depends what mood I’m in that day. This schedule is just until November and then color guard is over and posting will go back to normal. And if I have a not busy week I’ll posts more than twice a week, it all just depends!

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Chasing Eveline Book Blitz

The Flash Season Two Discussion (Spoilers!)

The Good, The Bad, and The Spoilers: Heir of Fire