Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (and why it's great!)

HELLO! My fellow readers! Today instead of the usual Goodreads Monday post and talking about books that I haven’t read, I am going to show off a book that I have read!

When I was looking through my Goodreads list to find a book to talk about today Me and Earl and the Dying Girl really stood out as a book that I’m still thinking about! Both the book and the movie were superb, with great characters, and unique storytelling! Jesse Andrew has such a quirky since of humor that comes out great in both the book and the movie (which was WRITTEN by him). Due to Jesse Andrews writing the screenplay, the spirit and themes of the book were captured SO WELL in the movie and it made a great experience for both fans of the book and movie fans alike.

If you haven’t checked out Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (the book or the movie), you should go out right now and read/ watch it! You won’t regret it!

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