EBooks VS Real Books

Hey guys today I’m here to talk about a feud that has been going on for a little while now, EBooks Vs Real books… *Dun Dun Dun!*

Before we start, I want to say that I have used lots of different generations of kindles so this is coming from someone who has had experience with both EBooks and real books. Sadly I have not had much experience with Nooks or any other EReader devices.
Now to start this I’m gonna list the pros and cons of each…



·         Easy and light to carry around
·         EReaders Can fit kindles into small bags
·         EReaders can do more than only read
·         EReaders can hold tons of books on one device
·         It saves your page automatically
·         You can always have your favorite books with you on your device
·         EBooks are usually cheaper
·         It stays open for you
·         People can’t see what your reading


·         It’s dangerous to read near water
·         Screen can break
·         Device can break if you drop it
·         You don’t get to see the cover
·         If the book has pictures you can’t see them (as well)
·         You can’t display all the books on your bookshelf

Real Books


·         You can display the books on your shelf
·         Look pretty
·         You can see the pretty cover
·         You can lend it out easily
·         You can use it as to hit someone (you never know!)
·         You can read near water (still dangerous but water can’t break a book)
·         Books don’t break if you drop them
·         If it has pictures you can see them clearly


·         Heavy
·         Hard to carry around
·         Takes up more room in bags
·         Pages can tear
·         Take up a lot of space’
·         More expensive

As you can see there are pros and cons to both EBooks and Real Books. I personally don’t prefer one over the other; I just buy whichever is more convenient for me at the time. For example, if I’m really impatient and can’t wait for a book, I just get it on my kindle; if I can wait, I get it on Amazon or go to Barns and Noble. So which do you prefer EBooks or Real books?

Keep Reading…



  1. Biggest con for me and e-readers is batteries, they die so easy and physical books have no battery


    1. Yeah that's true. I don't think I ever had an issue with battery life but I have had a few e-readers break on me.


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