My Netflix Adventure: Sweeney Todd

Hello lovely people! Time for me to continue My Netflix Adventure with an amazing movie musical that I rented from Amazon, Sweeney Todd.

Prior to this, my only experience of Johnny Depp was in the Pirates 0f the Caribbean movies, which is a good performance for the first movie but goes downhill fast. Recently I had been hearing a lot of people saying that Depp was good in other movies such as Sweeney Todd; then as I became more interested in musicals, people told me I had to watch Sweeney Todd. I put it off for a few weeks before finally giving in and renting the movie from Amazon and I’m so glad I did!

The music in Sweeney Todd w is brilliant! Stephen Sondheim’s music works amazingly throughout the movie and the cast sounds perfect in their roles! The Score adds greatly to the atmosphere of scenes and enhances the viewing experience greatly. Definitely check out the soundtrack— it’s AMAZING!

The plot of Sweeney Todd is a great revenge story that reminded me of The Count of Monte Cristo, only Todd carries out is revenge in different ways than Dantes. The viewer is truly invested in this man who is on a hunt for revenge and he will do ANYTHING to get it. As a viewer, you can’t stop watching this man’s decent into madness as he delves more and more into his darker side, trying to find recompense for all the wrong that has been done to him and his wife in his past.

Overall, Sweeney Todd is AMAZING! Go watch it! It has brilliant music that is well incorporated and works well throughout the movie. The plot is dark and interesting; and the characters are developed and investing. The cast is full of amazing actors and actresses from Alan Rickman to Johnny Depp; with many other great people in between. Warning Sweeney Todd is very bloody and sorry it isn’t on Netflix but still check it out!

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