Avengers Age of Ultron Review

Hello guys! So this weekend I went go see Avengers 2 Age of Ultron, and I really liked it! I want it to come out on DVD already so I can buy the blu ray! (Because there’s going to be a full 3 hour cut of the movie on it!). Since I don’t think I’ve mentioned it before, I think I should say that I remember enjoying the first Avengers movie but (honestly) I haven’t seen it since it first came out. But since I enjoyed The Avengers, I had high expectations for Age of Ultron, and it met those expectations!


First let’s talk about the characters, and OMG HAWKEYE HAS A CHARACTER! I think I squealed when you saw Hawkeye’s family— I just never pictured Hawkeye having this simple life back home with a wife and kids… it was great. (I guess I have to stop making jokes about him now…) Someone else that the movie tried to develop was Natasha (Black Widow). I say ‘try’ because I feel like the movie just teases her backstory; it gives the audiences pieces of it and wants you to put it together, but I can’t put together anymore that the fact that she was a Russian spy. (If anyone knows her backstory, please tell me in the comments, if you wouldn’t mind). The last characters I’m going to talk about are Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. I enjoyed both of these two and their chemistry with one another (even if I feel that one of them was kind of wasted in the movie…).

Next thing is the comedy. I LOVED the comedy in this movie! The scene where they were all trying to pick up Thor’s hammer was hilarious! And the way the even brought that back up when Vision picked up Thor’s hammer— perfect! I loved how joked would seem like one and done kind of jokes and then they would come up again later (like another joke towards the end of the movie that will not be mentioned… :(

Last thing is the action. Wow the action was a lot bigger compared to the first movie! The stakes for the action also felt high, if they don’t stop Ultron, the human race will die. And all of this made the movie a lot more interesting! And now that we know that Hawkeye has a family you know why the stakes are so high for him personally and you feel for him more as a character during all of these big fights alongside feeling for characters like Tony that we’ve been knowing about.

Overall, Age of Ultron was a great movie and even better than the first movie! I am interested and excited to see where they go from here with Civil War (my friend and I were actually discussing that today). Comment your thoughts about Age of Ultron down below and we can talk!

Keep Watching…




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