Reading Update

Hey guys! Today I’m here with a reading update!

Man, I haven’t done one of these in a while! I guess, it’s because I have been in a reading slump for so long, but now I’m reading two good books and I want to tell y’all that I’m reading them.

I wanted to read this when I saw the trailer for the movie and it looked great. Then I heard that people involved in the movie are coming to Bookcon (and so am I) so I immediately went and bought this book on my kindle. So far this book has far surpassed my expectations— it is hilarious, fun, and interesting; I think I’ll be finishing it soon.

My brother actually bought this book a while back so I had to wait for him to finish it before I had the chance to read it, but now he has given it to me to read and I’m so excited! I really liked Mistborn so I am excited to see where Brandon Sanderson goes with the story!

Have you read any of the books mentioned above? What did you think of them? Also, what are you reading right now?

Keep reading…




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