CW Shows at SDCC

Hello!!! San Diego Comic Con has now happened full of amazing reveals and fun Q&As! I, sadly, was not there but that’s what YouTube is for, so I can watch all the panels, and that’s what I’ve been doing the past few days! Now that I’ve seen all of the panels I’m here to talk about everything that was revealed and my thoughts on them. This post will be divided by TV Show so if you only care about a specific show just scroll down to that section of this post. If not, then get ready because this is going to be a long one!

This is the panel that I was the most excited to watch (closely matched by The Flash) and it didn’t disappoint (beyond it being a little short, but there is nothing we can do about that). There were a lot of reveals and new things mentioned and I’m excited to share them with you! This first one I don’t have too much to say about it— Anarky and Mister Terrific will join the cast for season four as will Damien Darhk. This makes comic book fans excited, as for me, I need to spend a few weeks online trying to learn about these characters! Now getting into the fun stuff— the stuff that everyone is excited about— the suits! Coming up on Comic Con I was excited to possible see a new Speedy suit but we did get confirmation that Thea will be staying in the Red Arsenal get up. This disappointed me a little but at the same time I understand why Speedy doesn’t get a new suit right away because they put so much time into making Willa Holland’s version of the Arsenal get up and they gave us TWO NEW SUITS for this upcoming season! Yes, we finally get a suit with a helmet for Diggle! I can’t get too good of a look at the suit but from what I can see it looks simple but a good practical suit to hide his identity. And what everyone was excited was Oliver’s new suit. Stephen Amell introduced it but walking out on stage and doing a kick butt intro in the suit! This new suit feels more like green arrow from the comics; it feels stronger and more ready for battle than the past suit and I am excited to see the suit in the fall!

The Flash
I was also excited to see this panel so as soon as I saw it was on YouTube I watched it! The panel of course was full of reveals of fun cast moments and I suggest Flash fans watch it! Some big reveals were that Jay Garrick (original flash), Wally West and Patty Spivot will be showing up in the new season. This is exciting news for comic book fans! It was also said that Zoom will be the big bad of season two! From my understanding he is another incarnation of the reverse flash (but honestly what do I know!). I loved the reverse flash in season one so I can’t wait to see how they build up this new villain! One last thing that I found interesting is that Tom Cavanagh will still be appearing on the show as Wells, this is because they are introducing multiverses on the show. Now there is a chance for the flash to meet a version of Wells who might not know Barry yet. There are lots of interesting new opportunities for this new season and I can’t wait!

Legends of Tomorrow
This show didn’t have anything to show off or much to announce because the show hasn’t started filming yet and doesn’t air for a while! But it was nice to see the cast all together just talking. You can clearly see some chemistry between them and it makes me excited for the show. During the panel the cast did mention that Hawkman will join the cast and be a part of series. I don’t really know anything about Hawkman (or Hawkgirl for that matter) but you can bet I’ll be looking into those characters soon! Another interesting thing that was mentioned was said by Caty Lotz (Black Canary) was about Sara Lance coming out of the pit and what effects that will have on her character. Caty Lotz was mentioning how dangerous Sara will be in Legends now that she has died and come back to life and, as she put it “she’s not afraid to die”. This is very interesting and I can’t wait to see how she is brought back to the Flarrow universe.

So those are my thoughts on the reveals at the panels mentioned above! I’m still catching up and trying to find videos for a few other panels so that’s why The 100 isn’t mentioned here. What did you think of all the reveals and trailers mentioned at Comic Con?

Keep Watching…




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