Inside Out Review

Hello! I hope my amazing readers had a great Fourth of July (or random Saturday for the nonamericans). I spent my day watching Inside Out, the new Pixar movie! I’ve been looking forward to this one after hearing amazing thing after amazing thing about it from online reviewers… And after having seen the movie I think that I would rewatch it when it comes on DVD.

People are saying that this is the best Pixar movie and even the best movie of the year so far— I don’t know if I’d go that far, but I did enjoy it! Inside Out is full of fun characters with interesting personalities. I really liked to see these characters (or emotions) play off of each other’s personalities which lead to great dialogue and jokes! All of the characters in this movie feel real and they were fun to watch. As I said, they play off of each other really nicely and it works well with the plot and the world of Inside Out.

People are saying that this movie is more of a movie for adults and, in a way, I’d have to agree. There are definitely subtle jokes that younger kids won’t pick up on but adults will enjoy. That’s good because as kids grow up watching the movie they can pick up on more and more jokes and the message in the movie.

Now I do have a gripe with Inside Out… the plot is just a little too repetitive. I understand that ‘this is a kid’s movie and they need a simple plot to be able to follow’ but you took the audience so seriously with everything else, why not the plot?

Overall, I really enjoyed Inside Out! Is it the best movie of the year so far? I don’t think so. Is it Pixar’s best movie? Maybe, but I still don’t think so. I do think that it is a great movie that has something that everyone can enjoy and you should all check it out (if you haven’t already).

Keep Watching…




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