2015 Wrap Up

The year of 2015 is coming to a close meaning now it is time for me to look back on the year— the books that I read, the movies that I watched, and all of the goals that I didn’t make.

My main reading goal for 2015 was to read 45 books but I slacked off early in the year and ended up only getting through 22 books. This year I focused on just reading whenever and whatever I wanted and did not force myself to read anything if I wasn’t enjoying it. At the beginning of the year I planned on using a TBR jar throughout the year and I followed through with this for a few months but eventually gave up. My final reading goal was to start reading comic books and I did start reading a few Flash and Green Arrow comics while also using the internet to learn more about other heroes.

Notable reads 
Rebel Belle: This was a refreshing and fun read! I am really glad I read it!
A Darker Shade of Magic: Another great book from author V E Schwab! I was really looking forward to this book after Vicious and The Archived and it didn’t disappoint.
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl: WOW I did not expect to enjoy this book as much as I did! If you still haven’t read this book, go read it (or see the movie if you rather— it is just as good if not better!)
The Naturals: This is one of the only times that I really enjoyed a summer reading book! I am excited to continue with this series and see where it goes!
Les Misérables: I haven’t finished this book yet (I’m reading it in parts) but it is exciting for me that I read it because I don’t usually read classics and I enjoyed it. I look forward to reading more of this book as my obsession with the Broadway show grows and you’ll hear me talking about it more in the future!

Movies and TV
I had a nice year in movies and TV! I really did branch out and watch a lot more TV shows and movies through Netflix and Amazon. I’m currently doing my Netflix Adventure series about movies that I’m watching on Netflix (obviously); it’s a lot of fun and I look forward to posting more into the next year!

Notable watches
The 100: The 100 kind of came out of nowhere as a fast-paced and intense SCI-FI show and I love it! I am very excited to see where the show goes with Season 3 this spring
Arrow and The Flash: Arrow and The Flash snuck up on me towards the end of 2014 and I became obsessed throughout 2015! Arrow had a dividing Season 3 but now a Season 4 that is getting better while The Flash continued to get better as Season 1 went on and Season 2 has been great too! I can’t wait to see where these shows go once they comes back!
Whiplash: Whiplash is an amazing and thought-provoking movie. There are still days when I think back to Whiplash and how things from the movie apply to my life. Go watch this movie if you haven’t seen it!
Daredevil and Jessica Jones: These were both interesting watches because they showed that while Marvel would not be going as dark with the MCU they would be talking a darker path the Netflix series and both shows really worked!
Plus... Star Wars, Ex Machina, The Martian

Yes I became so obsessed with Broadway in the later months of 2015 that I feel it fitting to have it as a category in my rap up! I expected my love for Broadway to be a phase that would last a month or two then I would start listening to something else (because that’s usually how my music taste works) but NOPE! I underestimated how many different Broadway shows there are and they all have their own style of music making each one different in their own way! And while each song is brilliant as a song, it also works in the story that the show is trying to tell. Every show tells such an amazing story through the lyrics so that even when you are listening to the soundtrack, you still understand what was happening at that point in the show! Basically, if you haven’t given musicals a shot yet, you definitely should.

2015 was a pretty great year! I met a lot of new people and got to travel to the amazing New York City! I changed a lot this year in terms of what I enjoy but now I’m more open when it comes to what genre of books I read or movie I watch. I can’t wait to see what 2016 has in store!

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