Netflix Adventure: The Babadook and Inglorious Bastards

Now to continue my great Netflix Adventure with two acclaimed movies that I’ve been hearing about for a while now— The Babadook and Inglorious Bastards.

The Babadook is a movie that I heard a lot about last year but I never actually watched until recently. I had high expectations due to all of the hype surrounding the film last year and it definitely fulfilled those expectations. The Babadook is a truly unsettling movie due to its use of music, great acting, and portrayal of its character’s decent into madness. The movie’s main character has a slip into a dark place that is just creepy and unsettling for viewers to watch but it just adds to the great atmosphere in The Babadook! I recommend this one for fans of atmospheric films, horror, or intense and gripping movies.

Inglorious Bastards was my first Tarantino movie (I don’t know why, but it just seemed like the one that I would like the most), and I really enjoyed it! The movie being mostly subtitled is something that would probably turn a lot of people off but you barely even notice that you’re reading subtitles. Subtitles are just so well incorporated into the film that it doesn’t make a difference. Tarantino does a great job developing each character each character whether it be the “Bastards” or the amazing villain! He is one of the only villains in movies who truly makes me nervous when he is on screen. I recommend Inglorious Bastards for anyone looking for a great first Tarantino movie, or just a great movie in general!
Have you seen either of the movies mentioned above? What did you think of them?

Keep Watching…




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