Book Beginnings

Hey guys welcome to Book Beginnings a meme hosted by Rose CityReader where you post the first sentence of your current read and your thoughts on that sentence.

“It was a humid night in August, and the river trickled past us as if most of the water had disintegrated during the previous months. It skimmed over the rocks, and I hesitated to add to the collection by tossing pebbles across the already waning surface. The darkness was enough.”

These first few sentences don’t tell much about the story but they show off Shannon Thompson’s amazing and descriptive writing style. Her writing style is so descriptive and it just makes me excited to get into the story! As of now, I’m almost done with Seconds before Sunrise so expect a review of that soon!

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  1. This catches my attention for the mood rather than the setting. I am intrigued by why the water is low, but more about the character and why the darkness was enough. What did the darkness give to the character?

  2. Interesting opening. I wonder why the author used "disintegrated" instead of "evaporated." I'm curious.
    My Friday post features Widow’s Tears.


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