The Book Thief Review

Hello guys! So a lot of you have probably heard of the popular Historical Fiction book, The Book Thief by Markus Zuzak. I recently had to reread this book for school and that rereading reminded me why I and so many others love this book!

First, it has such a unique POV! For anyone who doesn’t know, The Book Thief is narrated from the Point of View of Death. This allows the author to jump around from character to character and even flash forward and backward in time. The flashing forward and backwards in time is something that confused me on my first read but after rereading it, I understood it and appreciated it much more.
Throughout The Book Thief Markus Zuzak creates realistic and relatable characters that you can’t help but become invested in. You always want the best for these characters that are just living in the worst time.
Now I’m going to divert for a second and talk about the movie. If you have read The Book Thief but not seen the movie, I definitely recommend seeing the movie— it won’t let you down. The movie really captures the spirit of the characters and the point of the novel in an interesting way!

Overall, I recommend both The Book Thief book and movie (although, read the book first so you don’t get anything spoiled for you). The book takes advantage of its unique POV to show off its realistic characters that you can’t help but love!

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