Book Beginnings

Hey guys welcome to Book Beginnings a meme hosted by Rose CityReader where you post the first sentence of your current read and your thoughts on that sentence.

“There are places you can go,” Ariana tells him, “and a guy as smart as you has a decent chance of surviving to eighteen.”

This first sentence tells the reader a lot about the character that they will be reading about. It introduces the reader to a character who is desperate enough to run away from home but also smart enough that his friend thinks he has a chance of making it. This sparks questions such as, why is this character so desperate that he would run away?

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  1. The opening definitely makes me want to know more about this character. Why is he running away? What will happen to him?
    My Friday post features What I Remember Most.

  2. Tension filled opening, and that cover art is very creepy - enjoy!


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